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How to make any windows PC to greet(speak) on startup?

Hello readers, we all have wanted to do some extra and interesting using computer. We must explore and try to gain more access to our computer and make them do a lot of things. Thus, by making this thing our main objective, we've created this blog. Till today computers are not intelligent enough to recognize their master and greet automatically. Still computers are to be given some instructions to get the result. So, from the very beginning I want to let you know that this tutorial doesn't deal with any aspects of Artificial Intelligence. 'Computers  perform task only when we give information', I mentioned earlier so, many things may be roaming in your mind like, 'Am I going to say my computer, "Hey, greet me!" on the startup?'. No, nothing like this is to be done, your computer does it automatically. We are just instructing computer to speak a certain sentence whenever it starts. It is not so difficult if you you are a amateur computer user and are familiar with few computer tricks. If you are beginner then also I hope you won't have much problem to understand what we are going to do in the coming sentences. I hope you find this tutorial easy and qualitative.

Let's get started with the brief introduction about what we are going to do. First of all, we are going to create  a VisualBasic file(VisualBasic file has '.vbs' extension). This file contains the information that is spoken by your computer. Actually, It is not spoken but this file generates the audio by the builtin text-speech program by Microsoft and it is played by the computer. We're now going to write a VisualBasic program. Don't get afraid if you don't know how to write programs using this language. You don't need to. For now, just know that the upcoming code is for making computers speak what you want to.

dim speechobject
set speechobject=createobject ("sapi.spvoice")
speechobject.speak "YOUR GREET TEXT"

The code in notepad looks like this:

Now, change the text with bold letters with the sentence what you want your computer to speak. Then save the file as the extension (.vbs). As I have already mentioned earlier, This is the extension of a VisualBasic file. For the confirmation, you can open that saved file and your computer should speak what you have replaced with that bold letters in the code. Just a little of hard work and you have already completed half of your work by now. Now, We need to instruct our computer to open this file at startup. This is also a easy task, easier than then the previous task too. Now, press windows key and 'R' key at a time to open a 'Run' window and type 'shell:startup'. which shows like this,

After you press 'OK' button, a pop-up window opens. This is the folder which is read by the OS at the startup of the system and any thing in this folder opens after the system is loaded. So, If you copy and paste the VisualBasic file you created few minutes ago, then that file is executed at the startup of your computer. 

If you want to change the speech then again open the startup folder like I suggested earlier and open that VisualBasic file with notepad and change those text in the brackets at last of the code. 


Unknown said…
Can you make Speech to text??